A Life in Art and Angling...
“In another life”… “I was a fly fisherman.” Alan Feia-- Local Chama, New Mexico, Artist & Angler Our little community of Chama, New...
A Life in Art and Angling...
Pops' Bugger
A Fish's Story...
Searching for Gold at Cooper's El Vado...
Thoughts on Hemingway...
Eulogy for a Corvid...
Mayfly (Ephemeroptera).... A Short Life Story
Culture of Garbage...a trashy rant
The Trojan Male....how YY brook trout could help restore native fish in Northern New Mexico
Going AWOL Under the Sun...a veteran's hunting story
Specific Moments....
Streamer Junkies
A slight change in plans...
Just Not Sexy Enough....#gilapandora
Reel Talk for the Fly-Curious
Field Notes ....a Fish Under Fire
"So..how long have you been fishing?"...an Essay on a Lifetime Journey
Mountain Meltdown...Advice for Fishing Spring Runoff
To Tie or To Buy?